Glass perculator, 30 cm tall with squid design
Double Thick Glass – Squid perculator Bong
Glass perculator, 30 cm tall with squid design
No clutch, slide or pull out bowl
Glass perculator, 30 cm tall with squid design
Double Thick Glass – Squid perculator Bong
Glass perculator, 30 cm tall with squid design
No clutch, slide or pull out bowl
38cm clear glass / plain glass. Wide Mouth Piece with replaceable bowl and down pipe
3 way combo bong 20cm thick glass with a steel downpipe and a rubber removable base. This allows you to clean bowl from the bottom.
Glass bong in pink colour, 20cm, American Pullout, vvery stylish water pipe, natural colours
12 cm Mini Glass bong Bedside table bong, good for glove compartment in car – small travel bong, smoother alternative to a pipe.
Glassbong , 35 cm tall with double bowl, 14 mm downstem Simple, double bubble bong Glassbong , 35 cm tall with dobble bowl, 14 mm downstem
Glass bong Code : PGWP 96, 42 cm high, big bowl with ice catcher, big solid machine for hungry lungs…, 2 part downstem and bowl, 14 x 18 mm R 740,-