Elephant Perculator
Glassbong , 30 cm with color elephant as perculator
double thick glass, smoke perculates through the elephant
Elephant Perculator
Glassbong , 30 cm with color elephant as perculator
double thick glass, smoke perculates through the elephant
Retro bongm thick beaker, 30 cm, with a permanant fixtured down pipe that has a defuser base of the down pipe Available with Dabb Dome or Bud Bowl
PGWP 601, hieght 15 cm, extra thick glass, 14 x 18 mm two part down pipe with defusion stem
ice catchers – 12 inch Glass bong, 30 cm tall with shower head peculator
Glassbong , 35 cm tall with double bowl, 14 mm downstem Simple, double bubble bong Glassbong , 35 cm tall with dobble bowl, 14 mm downstem
Marble painted glass 20cm perculator Wide base beaker – more of a dry perc than wet perc, ask Dean. Glassbong , perculator , 20 cm tall in marble design