8 Inch small bong, some have ice catchers – plain / printed
Glassbong, 15 cm tall with leaf, om, Bob Marley, mushroom or 420 print
8 Inch small bong, some have ice catchers – plain / printed
Glassbong, 15 cm tall with leaf, om, Bob Marley, mushroom or 420 print
38cm clear glass / plain glass. Wide Mouth Piece with replaceable bowl and down pipe
Double thick, ice catcher, regular bong, Glass bong, 37 cm tall, extra thick glass, ice catcher, 18 mm down pipe
Double thick glass defuser and perculator Glassbong, 35 cm tall, defuser and 8 leg perculator, dobble thick glass Defuser is the little glass mesh which brreaks big bubbles into smallers bubbles for smaller surface areas to better filter the smoke. Perculatyor gives more surface area to male ir smoother
Glass bong Code : PGWP 96, 42 cm high, big bowl with ice catcher, big solid machine for hungry lungs…, 2 part downstem and bowl, 14 x 18 mm R 740,-
Glass bong in pink colour, 20cm, American Pullout, vvery stylish water pipe, natural colours
Glass bong Code : PGWP 457, 25 cm high, thick glass, handpainted with birds feather (for real), rasta, red, blue, 2 part downstem 18mm, headpiece 14 mm R 640,-